How to Debug ctrld

Anything made by humans is not perfect, let's get some data and resolve the issue, shall we?

In order to enable debug logging with ctrld, here is what you have to do.


Enable Logging

  1. Open admin cmd or Powershell and navigate to C:/ControlD
  2. Run this exact command: ctrld start --log dns.log

ctrld will start/restart in full debug mode, and write debug data to C:/ControlD/dns.log.

Reproduce the issue, copy the file and send it to us.

Disable Logging

Once you've collected the logs, it's a good idea to stop writing the debug log file, which can become quite large over time. To do this you can either re-run the installer as you did originally, or:

  1. Open admin cmd or Powershell and navigate to C:/ControlD
  2. Run this command: ctrld start --cd RESOLVER_ID_GOES_HERE

Template the value of RESOLVER_ID_GOES_HERE with your Endpoint's actual Resolver ID.