Integration: General Purpose

Streaming logs to any Fluentbit supported output using our pre-built docker container


The general and most generic way of receiving logs from Control D's SIEM output integration is by deploying our pre-built docker container.

This container securely terminates log data sent from our network to yours, and forwards it on to a SIEM tool within your network.

Supported Outputs / Log Destinations

Fluentbit supports many outputs, all of which change only a small portion of the configuration and generally follow the same structure. As such, this is a generic document that applies to any of the supported outputs, referencing the necessary pages in Fluentbit's docs.



Customer Side

Hardware- Virtual Machine
- Baremetal Server (X86 architecture)
Operating SystemLinux Distribution (capable of running Docker Containers / Docker CE)
Networking- Public Static IP address (For securely receiving logs from our SIEM integration output over the internet)
- Internal network access to your SIEM system (For forwarding logs received into your system)
Firewall / Container Port MappingsPermit inbound traffic on tcp/24224 to the docker container
SIEM / Log Streaming SoftwareFluentBit Supported Outputs (Splunk, Elasticsearch, Azure, etc)

Submitting Details to Support

During the Alpha phase you must contact us in order to enroll.

Our system will generate a docker config bundle file for you which you'll use in the successive instructions.

Send an e-mail to Control D Support asking for the SIEM Integration config bundle with your:

  • Org ID
  • Public IP address
  • [Optional] DNS record (if the public IP is prone to changing / dynamic)


  1. Install Docker Engine on the host. Instructions Link

  2. Upload the config bundle to the host

    scp yourbundle.tar.gz	
  3. Extract the config + container bundle:

    mkdir logs-receiver
    tar -xvf /tmp/yourbundle.tar.gz -C logs-receiver
  4. Start the container (interactively at first for testing)

    cd logs-receiver
    docker compose up
  5. Confirm that logs are arriving (they won't be going anywhere yet!)

  6. Modify the configuration logs-receiver/fluent-bit.yaml and update the outputs: section to add your desired logs destination.

    See for instructions

    fluent-bit supports a wide variety of log collectors, including ELK, Datadog and Splunk

    Example: Splunk

      - name: splunk
        host:                           # Modify 
        splunk_token: 55555555-5555-5555-5555-555555555555 # Modify
        port: 8088                                         # Modify
        tls: on                                            # Modify
        tls.verify: on                                     # Modify
  7. Start the container in daemon mode so it continues running when you close your shell:

    docker compose up --detach
  8. Please notify the Control D support team to confirm that you are receiving logs successfully!


  • If your destination system does not receive logs, check the running fluent-bit instance for errors:
    docker compose logs --follow
  • If needed, restart the container with:
    docker compose up --force-recreate --detach

Example Config

Here is a sample docker compose file and fluent-bit config that you can use to start a fluentbit receiver on your end. Be mindful this not a working sample. It lists templated components that you will need to comment out or provide.

More importantly it will not actually receive anything from Control D until we create a custom configuration. Once you're ready to proceed, provide us with the org IDs you wish to receive status for and we'll send you a final config bundles.

version: "3.7"

    image: fluent/fluent-bit
    command: ["/fluent-bit/bin/fluent-bit", "-c", "/fluent-bit/etc/fluent-bit.yaml"]
      - ./fluent-bit.yaml:/fluent-bit/etc/fluent-bit.yaml
      - ./certs:/etc/ssl/fluent-bit-certs
      - "24224:24224"

    - name: forward
      tls: on
      tls.verify: "on"
      tls.ca_file: /etc/ssl/fluent-bit-certs/${CN}-ca.pem
      tls.crt_file: /etc/ssl/fluent-bit-certs/${CN}-cert.pem
      tls.key_file: /etc/ssl/fluent-bit-certs/${CN}-privkey.pem
    # Edit this!
    # See for a full list of supported outputs

    # Output logs in JSON format to the container's standard output
    # Can be used to validate logs are being received, but typically should be disabled in production
    - name: stdout
      match: '*'
      format: json

    # Splunk Example
    # - name: splunk
    #   host: # change me
    #   splunk_token: 55555555-5555-5555-5555-555555555555 # change me
    #   match: '*'
    #   port: 8088
    #   tls: on
    #   tls.verify: on