Integration: General Purpose

Streaming logs to any Fluentbit supported output using our pre-built docker container


The general and most generic way of receiving logs from Control D's SIEM output integration is by deploying our pre-built docker container.

This container securely terminates log data sent from our network to yours, and forwards it on to a SIEM tool within your network.

Supported Outputs / Log Destinations

Fluentbit supports many outputs, all of which change only a small portion of the configuration and generally follow the same structure. As such, this is a generic document that applies to any of the supported outputs, referencing the necessary pages in Fluentbit's docs.



SIEM log streaming is only available for select organizational customers at this time.

Customer Side

Hardware- Virtual Machine
- Baremetal Server (X86 architecture)
Operating SystemLinux Distribution (capable of running Docker Containers / Docker CE)
Networking- Public Static IP address (For securely receiving logs from our SIEM integration output over the internet)
- Internal network access to your SIEM system (For forwarding logs received into your system)
Firewall / Container Port MappingsPermit inbound traffic on tcp/24224 to the docker container
SIEM / Log Streaming SoftwareFluentBit Supported Outputs (Splunk, Elasticsearch, Azure, etc)

Submitting Details to Support

During the Alpha phase you must contact us in order to enroll.

Our system will generate a docker config bundle file for you which you'll use in the successive instructions.

Send an e-mail to Control D Support asking for the SIEM Integration config bundle with your:

  • Org ID
  • Public IP address
  • [Optional] DNS record (if the public IP is prone to changing / dynamic)


  1. Install Docker Engine on the host. Instructions Link

  2. Upload the config bundle to the host

    scp yourbundle.tar.gz	
  3. Extract the config + container bundle:

    mkdir logs-receiver
    tar -xvf /tmp/yourbundle.tar.gz -C logs-receiver
  4. Start the container (interactively at first for testing)

    cd logs-receiver
    docker compose up
  5. Confirm that logs are arriving (they won't be going anywhere yet!)

  6. Modify the configuration logs-receiver/fluent-bit.yaml and update the outputs: section to add your desired logs destination.

    See for instructions

    fluent-bit supports a wide variety of log collectors, including ELK, Datadog and Splunk

    Example: Splunk

      - name: splunk
        host:                           # Modify 
        splunk_token: 55555555-5555-5555-5555-555555555555 # Modify
        port: 8088                                         # Modify
        tls: on                                            # Modify
        tls.verify: on                                     # Modify
  7. Start the container in daemon mode so it continues running when you close your shell:

    docker compose up --detach
  8. Please notify the Control D support team to confirm that you are receiving logs successfully!


  • If your destination system does not receive logs, check the running fluent-bit instance for errors:
    docker compose logs --follow
  • If needed, restart the container with:
    docker compose up --force-recreate --detach

Example Config

Here is a sample docker compose file and fluent-bit config that you can use to start a fluentbit receiver on your end. Be mindful this not a working sample. It lists templated components that you will need to comment out or provide.

More importantly it will not actually receive anything from Control D until we create a custom configuration. Once you're ready to proceed, provide us with the org IDs you wish to receive status for and we'll send you a final config bundles.

version: "3.7"

    image: fluent/fluent-bit
    command: ["/fluent-bit/bin/fluent-bit", "-c", "/fluent-bit/etc/fluent-bit.yaml"]
      - ./fluent-bit.yaml:/fluent-bit/etc/fluent-bit.yaml
      - ./certs:/etc/ssl/fluent-bit-certs
      - "24224:24224"

    - name: forward
      tls: on
      tls.verify: "on"
      tls.ca_file: /etc/ssl/fluent-bit-certs/${CN}-ca.pem
      tls.crt_file: /etc/ssl/fluent-bit-certs/${CN}-cert.pem
      tls.key_file: /etc/ssl/fluent-bit-certs/${CN}-privkey.pem
    # Edit this!
    # See for a full list of supported outputs

    # Output logs in JSON format to the container's standard output
    # Can be used to validate logs are being received, but typically should be disabled in production
    - name: stdout
      match: '*'
      format: json

    # Splunk Example
    # - name: splunk
    #   host: # change me
    #   splunk_token: 55555555-5555-5555-5555-555555555555 # change me
    #   match: '*'
    #   port: 8088
    #   tls: on
    #   tls.verify: on