Rename resolvers, create shorter or more memorable URLs, or a Chrome extension?
Is it possible to tunnel to China?
I have some app that needs to be used with a China IP. There is no China option that I can select for the redirecting. Can China be added in the future/ any other way I can achieve so?
Hello, sometimes I see this from github
Fastly error: unknown domain: github.com. Please check that this domain has been added to a service.
Are you able to add this feature?
RTÉ is blocking the Dublin server.
RTÉ shows a Cloudflare block page to visitors using the Dublin server:
Error 1005
Access denied
What happened?
The owner of this website (about.rte.ie) has banned the autonomous system number (ASN) your IP address is in (212238) from accessing this website.
Delete account missing
Servers Edgeuno
I would like to suggest that Control D work with EDGEUNO servers as they have several servers in Latin America and Nectatue does not have as many which results in high ping.
Feature request: Deleting statistics and activity log only for specific endpoint
It would be great, if it would be possible, that j can delete the activity log and the statistics for a specific endpoint and not for all endpoints.
Possibility of including this GitHub blocklist?
Hey there,
Add Surfshark VPN Service
If possible I'd like surfshark vpn added as a service. When users already have surfshark installed they are able to use it when on network.