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Configure Tailscale & Control D to assign profiles to Tailscale clients

Thanks for the new integration with Tailscale. It’s nice to take advantage of Control D on my Tailscale network. Is it possible to configure the integration such that I can assign a specific Control D profile to devices connected to Tailscale? With NextDNS, Tailscale allows set up in their config file to map devices to NextDNS profiles. That would be the last piece of the integration puzzle for me.

Messenger chat is not working. App shows messages as 'sending'

In Bangladesh, Social media apps are blocked by government. FB bypass is working fine but messenger chat is not working. Messages are shown as 'sending' status.

Support for CPE-ID in ControlD

Hello ControlD Team and Users, I would like to suggest adding support for the Customer Premises Equipment Identifier (CPE-ID) in ControlD. This feature would enhance device management within home networks by allowing unique identification of each device, thereby simplifying DNS settings customization. Key Benefits: Unique Device Identification: Precise identification of each device enables tailored DNS settings and policies. Simplified Network Management: This avoids the need for manual configuration or reliance on Dynamic DNS (DDNS) for devices with dynamic IP addresses. Enhanced Security: Better tracking and management of devices, reducing the risk of unauthorized access. Improved User Experience: Streamlines the setup and management process for network devices. Implementing CPE-ID support would align ControlD with other DNS services that already offer this functionality, such as NextDNS. It would be a valuable addition for users seeking advanced network management capabilities. Thank you for considering this request. I believe it will receive strong support from the community. Best, Markmaster

Expose via DNS, A 'and' AAAA record instead A 'or' AAAA record

I love the expose via DNS feature, however the one thing that I wish that it would do is capture both IPv4 'and' IPv6 so that there's both an A and AAAA record. I use a dual-stack network and it seems that it only shows either the A or AAAA record when I do a query, and never both at the same time. (or at least set it so it prefers IPv4 if available) When I look at the activity log, my router is definitely making requests on both IPv4 and IPv6, so it should be aware of both IPs. So occasionally when I need access to my home network on an IPv4-only network, it ends up being inaccessible since it only has the AAAA record.

Ability to Redirect a set of URL under a device

Currently we can individually redirect an url to a specific location, however it will be nice to just set a tag or perhaps profile that would sort of that adds the ability to redirect all urls under it.

Expired Rules - auto removal

Hi, when troubleshooting connectivity I will often use the expiry feature and set it for 1 hour. But once the rule has expired it remains disabled in the rules list. This prevents any future attempts at creating an allowlist rule from the logs view. (Error domain already exists etc…) To add the exception again, you must navigate away from the logs view to the respective rules folder, locate the domain then re-enable the rule. please allow an option for rules with an expiry date to be automatically purged, or, allow the rule to be re-enabled from the logs view (even better) <br />

More Servers in Australia

I am currently trying ControlD and getting high latency around 150-170ms. I really loved all features but because of high latency i am bit concerned and doesn’t want to switch over. Is there any plans to implement more servers in Australia?

A universal Blocklist? Domain rules for all DNS proflles

Is it possible to set domain rules across all DNS profiles, I find it tedious that I have to go into each DNS profile and implement a block rule.

Blocklist for all Online Gaming

Is there a blocklist that can be added to block all Online Gaming websites?. The Gaming under services has only options to block 26 of the gaming services. I would like to block all Gaming websites.

Change icon of an endpoint

With the new UI being able to sort by device type, you should be able to change the icon/device type of an endpoint easily. It's annoying having to delete the endpoint and then recreate it just to change the icon.