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Request: Add Root Certificate automatically when install the ctrld service in Windows

I use the powershell script to install the Windows service. It would be nice if this setuip also downloaded and installed the root certificate at the same time. The command to add should be fairly simple. This is the command I use. powershell -Command Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '<https://deploy.controld.com/blockpage/Control-D-root-x1.cer'> -OutFile 'C:\\ControlD\\Control-D-root-x1.cer'; Import-Certificate -FilePath "C:\\ControlD\\Control-D-root-x1.cer" -CertStoreLocation Cert:\\LocalMachine\\Root

better branded block response

1. having better customization for the blocked sites, ie options to toggle or even provide a html file/ template to use and edit. the txt "this website is blocked" is very annoying too, please add a way to remove it/ customize. 2. having a preview button beside/ near the save button to quickly preview what the changes looks like. additionally, for example, the ads "tiles' beside the websites can and will be all sorts of sizes/ dimensions, having a quick preview button can simplify the process by a lot. 3. browsers on my phone although shows the branded block messages on the ads tiles, it also shows that the connection isnt secured, while often times it just wouldnt show to branded blocked response, especially on pc.

Server in Taiwan

Hi, is there a chance to set up a server in Taiwan? Thanks!

Request for apps

I would like to request an android based and/or an iOS based app for the admin, I am sure that this is one priority for most users. I also would like to request that, if possible, the analysis in real time and the total analysis could have more details, showing from which profile / device that website was blocked.. The last request, is for you to fix the error of the services used in the analysis. In my case, it's stuck 80% in linked in and 20% in Apple, for several days. I would like to see that more updated, and better divided to know how much and which service are being used. Thank you!

Custom Rules problem

A few problems I'm see'ing with custom rules in filter When I do a search for parts of a rule, rules which start with \*. are not searchable. Also, current I have a \*. rule which I added a few days ago which I'm now unable to find completely. Yetwhen I try to add the same rule, I get a message that it already exists. I also seem to be getting rules which I applied in different profiles, bleeding into new profiles. <br>

Add more options to disable profile timing

I am wondering if we could have more options under the profile disablement timing rather than only 5 minutes, 1 hour, 1 day.

Is it possible to edit ctrld.toml within docker container?

Hi, I am currently testing out CTRLD in a docker container and wish to edit the ctrld.toml file, but i cannot seem to get bash access to the container, it just doesn't work when i run; docker exec -it ctrld /bin/bash or /bin/sh Can anyone help please? Thanks <br>

Daylight savings

Hi, <br> My schedule is set to 6pm - 9pm (set up in GMT). Now the UK is in BST, my schedule hasn’t updated. Why not? It’s effectively now 7-10pm. <br> Thanks

Profile lock does not affect secondary profile in multi-profile setup

Normally, a device cannot be switched away from a locked profile, but if the locked profile is added as a secondary profile (for instance, productivity profile on top of privacy profile), it can simply be removed without the expected restrictions.

Domain check function within dashboard?

Hi, new user here. Thanks for your service. ControlD really is great. After some search I found out, that a domain check search function is missing within ControlD (or I'm too stupid to find it). I mean a function which checks if a domain is blocked by any of my active blocklists or custom user rules. This would be nice to have within the dashboard.