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Configure Tailscale & Control D to assign profiles to Tailscale clients

Thanks for the new integration with Tailscale. It’s nice to take advantage of Control D on my Tailscale network. Is it possible to configure the integration such that I can assign a specific Control D profile to devices connected to Tailscale? With NextDNS, Tailscale allows set up in their config file to map devices to NextDNS profiles. That would be the last piece of the integration puzzle for me.

Messenger chat is not working. App shows messages as 'sending'

In Bangladesh, Social media apps are blocked by government. FB bypass is working fine but messenger chat is not working. Messages are shown as 'sending' status.

Expose via DNS, A 'and' AAAA record instead A 'or' AAAA record

I love the expose via DNS feature, however the one thing that I wish that it would do is capture both IPv4 'and' IPv6 so that there's both an A and AAAA record. I use a dual-stack network and it seems that it only shows either the A or AAAA record when I do a query, and never both at the same time. (or at least set it so it prefers IPv4 if available) When I look at the activity log, my router is definitely making requests on both IPv4 and IPv6, so it should be aware of both IPs. So occasionally when I need access to my home network on an IPv4-only network, it ends up being inaccessible since it only has the AAAA record.

Please update the CLI so that it listens for DoH requests

This is currently possible with DNSCrypt-Proxy, but is slightly more annoying to set up than the Control D CLI. This way you can put e.g. <> into Firefox/Chrome and enable ECH. It is necessary for certain scenarios where you have a firewall downstream from controlD.


I installing Control D using resolver id x-out(sudo sh -c 'sh -c "$(curl -sSL <https://api.controld.com/dl)"> -s xxxxxxxxxxx forced') on my Firewalla Gold and it breaks in App Network Performance, cannot ping any IP/Domain from Firewall CLI or do a speedtest from Firewalla CLI and it also breaks access to App when on Cellular Network. App has access at home on my network. I have paid for a year subscription of Control D and cannot use ctrld service on Firewalla. To get some functionality of Control D on my Firewall I had to use Firewall Service DNS over HTTPS and add Control D url with resolver id but doing it this way I lose a lot of functionality like seeing the individual device IPs and ability to have multiple profiles per device etc.. How can I get ctrld service to work on Firewalla without breaking Firewalla services mentioned above?

Omada Router Installation

I have an omada system in my house, and I would like to be sure where is absolutely necessary to insert the controld dns. In wan, in lan, or both? Is there any difference where I put it? After I have done this in both, wan and lan, it seems that some pages take a little extra time to load.

Local IP

Is there way to bypass all rules for specific local IP addresses?


Hey, is it possible to pay with Paypal? Otherwise: Will the Credit Card Payment extended every Year automatically? Thx ♥

Request - UI Filter for IPv4/IPv6

Would it be possible in the UI to add a filter in the authorized IPs/Analytics section for IPv4 and IPv6? My ISP gives me a /56 for IPv6. As i am changing network options and the use of ControlD just wanted to know if this was possible. <br> ![](https://files.readme.io/f83ff60-image.png) <br>