Ability to ignore certain repatitive/normal queries in log
When looking at logs, a lot of the entries are normal repatitive queries for services that run on machines like google, parsec, grammerly, windows updates.... etc.
Would nice to have a way to add a list of domains that are normal and don't care to see in the logs that can be ignored, and can enable or disable the filter to see what is really happening without all the normal stuff.
Posted by Chad 2 months ago
Multiple schedules - any update?
Is there any ETA on when we might be able to expect upgrades to the scheduling feature?
I currently love having a recreation period for social media use in the evening and at all other other times having the internet minus social media available. I would however really like to also block most of the internet overnight (only allowing whitelisted domains like Apple or Audible or BBC etc). So 3 profiles in effect swapping from A(no social media) to B(social media allowed) to C(no internet) and then back to A
Think this feature would be a killer development to Scheduling.
Posted by Ed 4 months ago
Feature Request: Min TTL Bypass Override
According to this documentation (<https://docs.controld.com/docs/ttl-overrides>), it seems like it's an override for ALL bypass DNS records, so any higher set TTL would be set to the lower TTL. Could you provide a Min override in addition? For example, if the bypass record TTL is lower than 300 seconds, then set it to 300 seconds TTL, otherwise the original TTL is respected. I believe this is what the cache boost at NextDNS does. Thanks!
Posted by J. 4 months ago
3rd Party Filters (Feature Request)
On your Free DNS Resolvers page, on the 3rd Party Filters section, the Developer Dan's host list is a bit outdated, I think. Their page (<https://www.github.developerdan.com/hosts/>) says that the last update date is November 17, 2023. Could you maybe replace it with Easylist (<https://easylist.to/easylist/easylist.txt>)? Or, leave Developer Dan's there in case someone needs it and add Easylist to the 3rd Party Filters. Thank you.
Posted by Alfie 5 months ago
Request: more features for the locking feature
I came across another service’s approach to account or profile locking, which I imagine I can’t link to, but effectively I believe they excel over ControlD in at least this one feature. I am committed to using ControlD, so I’m wondering if any improvements to the locking feature could be made. Basically the approach the other service uses is that without a password, the owner of the account cannot make their filtering LESS restrictive. Without the password they can still:
- add to existing blocking rules
- add new safesearch enforcement
- disable or delete allowed rules
However, they are prevented from (unless they have the password):
- creating new allow rules or adding to existing ones
- Deleting or disabling any active blocking rules
I might add to this last list the suggestion that users can’t remove their payment details to frustrate the system.
Basically at the moment I have to lock myself out of the entire ControlD account by effectively throwing away the password. It would be nice to be able to have access to my account, but not be able to backtrack on my decisions to live a healthier online life. My current strategy has issues in that I can’t add content to a blocklist on new occasions and I can’t view my logs to troubleshoot anything going awry.
Is this something that might be able to be implemented?
Posted by Ed 6 months ago
Filter by ASN and originating or returned IP address(es)
Is there any merit / value in adding functionality to block/permit/redirect based on ASN and the IP address returned by, or originating from, a query being within specified ASN range(s)?
Posted by Ols 9 months ago
FR: More scheduling options
I love the fact that I can add a schedule, but the current implementation is quite simple. It would be great to add multiple schedules, or multiple choices based on day (weekend vs weeknight).
Posted by Matt R 11 months ago
Feature Request: Support for other DNS providers for services
Could you please support the use of other DNS providers for your services?
As you keep mentioning that Geo unblock feature is a niche feature and provided on best effort basis, it would be nice to have a feature to redirect the entire service to a different smart dns provider.
Currently, to achieve the same, we need to find the IPs of each of the domains used in the service and write custom rules for each of the domains to redirect the domains to their corresponding IP address. This is a very time consuming process and prone to errors(and issues). Also, if smart dns provider changes those IPs, need to do this exercise all over again.
My request is, provide a feature where we can redirect the entire service to a different DNS provider.
This could probably solve other issues that people are having with Akamai. Most often Akamai sends to the wrong location based on what Akamai believes is the location of the DNS server. In such cases, people can provide or or any other DNS provider for such domains.
I understand that it is more like a double DNS lookup but this feature is provided indirectly already using redirect to IP feature and would be great to have this feature at service level too.
Posted by Gopi 11 months ago
Orgs: Admin Logs
Every time an org admin changes something, this action should be logged.
Display the log of all admin actions in a searchable table, which can be exported as CSV.
Posted by Yegor Sak 11 months ago
GUI suggestion, dynamic positioning of active rules/tiles
It is regarding the rules/tiles to be found under "Filters", "Services" etc.:
If any activated rule/tile, could be pushed to the top automatically as long as it is activated (still ordered alphabetically), it would be very nice, as you would always have activated rules/tiles in focus, instead of needing to scroll all the way through non-activated rules/tiles to interact with any specific activated rule/tile.
Example: I activate "VPN & DNS" under "Services", it goes on top as 1. rule/tile. I also activate "URL Shorteners", it also goes to top, but as 1. rule/tile (due to all the active rules/tiles still being ordered alphabetically). If I deactivate any of these 2. rules/tiles again, it is no longer on top, and it takes its normal order on the list, being last and second last.
So like you have 2 "groups": The activated rules/tiles = always on top. Non activated in the bottom.
Thanks for a great service, and stay strong 🙂
kind regards
Posted by Yusuf Karakaya 12 months ago