Devices: Routers

The Routers section shows your Router Devices that are deployed on networks and are used by many users.

What are Router Devices

As the name hopefully suggests, Router Devices are routers that are deployed on networks. Each router handles traffic on behalf of multiple end users. Each Router Device is a unique DNS resolver that enforces one or more Profiles (configurations). Profiles can be swapped manually, or using a schedule.

Adding a Router Device

In order to add a Router Device, click the + button in the Devices -> Routers section and choose a desired platform.

From here choose your router vendor. All except "Other" offer a simple 1 liner installation process using the Command Line Daemon, which enables DNS-over-HTTPS and secures your DNS queries from being tampered with. This is the preferred method of using Control D.

Routers that aren't supported would have to use Legacy DNS Resolvers.

After choosing the vendor, you can select the desired Settings before creating the Device.

Much like in the Devices: Users flow, you will be presented with a unique set of DNS resolvers for this specific Device.

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