Credit balance
I just get an anual subscriptions and changed it to mensual and it seems that at the belling section it showing at credit balance for the changed.
cntrld service stops on Windows whenever router not reachable.
Add this to 3rd Party Stuff
Asus Merlin dnsmasq errors in log after ctrld install
Hello, I have ctrld listening on my Asus router on port 53, but now I'm getting constant dnsmas errors in my system log every 30 seconds or so:
Suggestions for missing iOS features supported under Apple's dnsSettings
When onboarding devices, there are some missing ondemand options that are supported by iOS.
how to blcok mobile youtube advertisement?
Is possible blocked ads with controld?
More details on Free DNS
Could you provide more comprehensive details on the Free DNS service
Auto delete analytics
I was really surprised that this is not a feature yet, please add an option to automatically delete the device analytics after x hour, x days, x weeks etc.
Geo Custom Rules
This sounds like a good feature: https://docs.controld.com/docs/geo-custom-rules?ref=blog.controld.com
I would like to have this option extra
I would like to be able to use AdGuard DNS: e, because this works very well for me, and I would really appreciate if you can add it in to the 3rd part. Thank you!