Add fellow.app in the Tools page
Loading Problem In Instagram
I've updated my plan to full plan.... I was charged an additional $2 for the upgraded plan. But nothing changed. Please fix it.
Show what would have been blocked
It would be good to see what would have been blocked if a filter, e.g. adult was switched on.
Better Porn Blocking
Can you please incorporate better porn blocking. The adult content filter has a lot of false positives. E.G. grc.com. Please add Steven Blacks Porn list.
Analytics for custom rules
I'd love to see analytics for each custom rule that I've created. Basically number of 'hits' over a certain period of time would be immensely useful.
Ability to give a clilent a friendly name?
I have a ton of client hostnames that are meaningless (MAC addresses, etc.). I need a way to rename or add a friendly name to these clients in the UI and via API. Is this coming?
Compact mode for the Activity Log
The Activity Log is asethetically pleasing but I wish the screen real estate was used more efficiently.
Automatically create devices from clients belonging to a certain device
I have ctrld running locally serving as the DNS server to clients. In the Dashboard, I see each client listed as a 'Client' for the 'Device' that represents the host running ctrld. For each 'Client', I created a 'Device.'
block ChatGPT and other AI
Is it possible and/or practical to block ChatGPT and other AI tools as a category? I know this would be imperfect but I would like to discourage these tools on my network.