Request to add XiaoHongShu to Services
Feature: Exclude domains in logs.
Would love to be able to (just like with Custom Rules, simply add a 4th option) exclude logging of domains.
Allow quick changing of profiles from mobile app
Users should be able to switch between multiple profiles on the mobile app. Admin users should be able to change the profile of any endpoint.
Android app excluded network breaks connection.
On a Samsung S24U with the Control D app,when joining my excluded network my Internet doesn't work until I toggle off and on the secure DNS.
CLI support for Ubiquiti UXG (Lite/Pro/Max) routers
Has anybody successfully implemented the ControlD CLI on this series of routers from Ubiquiti/UBNT running the 4.06 firmware (or even earlier firmware for that matter)?
Round Robin custom rule support
Currently, you can only add one IP address for a particular DNS entry as a custom rule. It would be nice to be able to specify multiple IPs in order to achieve round robin DNS.
Adding fallback nameservers and search domains
Often on networks with SQUID proxy and other systems, DNS nameservers need to be specified. For modern routers, it is simple enough to add a bunch of nameservers, but some, like the Xiaomi only allow two DNS nameservers. It would be great if profiles could support fallback nameservers and search domains.
CLI klient for administration
Have a CLI (linux preferred) Control D client for administration, where I will be able to set the same as in the GUI. Including logs and analytics for specific endpoints and other features that I can't do using the API.
MacOS M2
Hello, Please develop a special app for MacOS M2. The app you have now requires Rosetta, which has a security problem.
Tailscale Integration Not Working for Me
I am a Tailscale user. I followed the directions on https://docs.controld.com/docs/tailscale-integration. When I follow this step: The Device you created earlier should have flipped to active state. There is no green light.