Youtube Restricted Mode - Allow 2 Levels
Could you allow for someone to choose each of the two levels of Youtube Restricted Mode - Moderate and Strict?
Loading Problem In Instagram
I've updated my plan to full plan.... I was charged an additional $2 for the upgraded plan. But nothing changed. Please fix it.
Show what would have been blocked
It would be good to see what would have been blocked if a filter, e.g. adult was switched on.
Analytics for custom rules
I'd love to see analytics for each custom rule that I've created. Basically number of 'hits' over a certain period of time would be immensely useful.
Ability to give a clilent a friendly name?
I have a ton of client hostnames that are meaningless (MAC addresses, etc.). I need a way to rename or add a friendly name to these clients in the UI and via API. Is this coming?
Compact mode for the Activity Log
The Activity Log is asethetically pleasing but I wish the screen real estate was used more efficiently.
Automatically create devices from clients belonging to a certain device
I have ctrld running locally serving as the DNS server to clients. In the Dashboard, I see each client listed as a 'Client' for the 'Device' that represents the host running ctrld. For each 'Client', I created a 'Device.'
DNS server for Belgium? (Brussels)
Hi, I noticed that Control D is for me is a bit slower, compared to Nextdns.
Is there a possibility of adding a server in Belgium in the near future?
[API] Ability to get specific analytics warnings through Webhook.
For example, when I block the 'Porn' category, if any device linked to that profile is blocked from accessing a site on the "porn" list, then send a webhook request including the device name, the blocked host, and the time.