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Feature Request: Multi-user option for personal plan

As you may already know, there's this feature (beta) called "Access" on Nextdns which is similar to what you have on your business plan as a multi-user feature.

-AFAIK, there isn't a user count limitation on Control D as well when it comes to family usage. So, under one account, the whole family member devices can be configured.-

I think this feature would address two issues at the same time;

One -- if there are only the parents and children in a family there isn't a big deal, but adults should have some privacy so it'd be great for family members to have separate accounts for them to be able to log-in and see only their own analytics data and logs. To summarise, apart from the owner/admin/main account user, the rest of the family members should respect and not see each other's data in my opinion.

Two -- there is this ease of use and accessibility issue; more 'power-user' family members should not have to rely on the main account owner to log in, especially if the main account has a 2fa enabled - every time someone needs to login, they ask admin for 2fa confirmation which is a hassle.