Mikrotik Container arm 32 configuration issue
was trying to configure mikrotik controld container using steps below and ran into an issue while tar file was getting extracted for container:
Feature Request: Min TTL Bypass Override
According to this documentation (https://docs.controld.com/docs/ttl-overrides), it seems like it's an override for ALL bypass DNS records, so any higher set TTL would be set to the lower TTL. Could you provide a Min override in addition? For example, if the bypass record TTL is lower than 300 seconds, then set it to 300 seconds TTL, otherwise the original TTL is respected. I believe this is what the cache boost at NextDNS does. Thanks!
Incorrect classification for https://www.man.com
Is currently classified as "Adult Content - Relaxed", but the website is for "Investment management services".
List to add to Services blocklist
Block Rule - Redirect to IP address is not optimal
Excuse my bad english, i am not a native speaker.
Add Tokopedia to Shop blocklist
Mikrotik Configuration
I'm following the instructions posted on https://feedback.controld.com/posts/1333/controld-dns-for-mikrotik
Feature request: auto allow ip on legacy dns by renting ip
Cannot connect to personal hotspot on iPhone
I have a Control D iOS profile configured on my iPhone. When I try to connect my Tesla to the personal hotspot of my iPhone, the Tesla Wifi client seems to connect briefly (as the iPhone icon indicated a personal hotspot connection is active). However, the Tesla Wifi client reports "X Could Not Join iPhone - This network tried to present a login page which may require authentication, payment or acceptance of terms and conditions which is not currently supported." When the Control D iOS profile is disabled, the Tesla Wifi client connects normally. What do you suggest please?
3rd Party Filters (Feature Request)
On your Free DNS Resolvers page, on the 3rd Party Filters section, the Developer Dan's host list is a bit outdated, I think. Their page (https://www.github.developerdan.com/hosts/) says that the last update date is November 17, 2023. Could you maybe replace it with Easylist (https://easylist.to/easylist/easylist.txt)? Or, leave Developer Dan's there in case someone needs it and add Easylist to the 3rd Party Filters. Thank you.