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Services - bypass

I've enabled the 10play service using "bypass" on one of my profiles. It appears to be working well, but I'm wondering if there's a list somewhere of all the domains that are whitelisted in order to allow the service to work?

GL.Inet native integration

Any plans to integrate ControlD into GL.INet's web interface natively like Cloudflare and NextDNS have? Would be handy to have instead of SSH in and running a script

Easylist Cookie List and/or Fanboy's annoyance list


Plans for additional locations in Australia

Any plans to roll out other locations in Australia such as Brisbane?

Mobile/Android app feature request - PIN protect and option to hide notification

It would be great to add PIN protection to the ControlD app on Android and IOS to prevent users (kids) disabling it.

What is the actual count of blocked requests?

Hello! Given a scenario where I have a native filter and a 3rd party filter applied and a domain is common to both filters. Now, when the domain is blocked, does a +1 count get added to each of the filters in statistics or are the filters applied in a particular order, and whichever filters blocked the domain gets its count?

[Suggestion] Profile Backup / Export+Import


Mastodon blocklists


Custom rule format

I found in the document that you are about to make changes to the custom rule format, but the changes you designed will require most users to add a lot of rules for this change.

Add more 3rd party blocklist
