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Amazon CloudFront add to AWS service classification

Cloudfront.net - Amazon's edge CDN edge service is not in the "Amazon AWS" Service classification. Can this be moved into the Service?


Opendns classification moved to Cisco service?

I found a business laptop on my network was going to opendns.com but was not covered under vendor Cisco. I had to make a separate custom bypass rule to do what the service does. Can this domain be added to the Cisco vendor service?


ads and trackers balanced mode

Can you please examine the native ads and trackers mode and compare to hagezi pro.


ctrld.toml file related question - representation of OS DNS

i see in documentation that if we need to refer to OS default, we need to use syntax like below:


Multiple domains related to amazon.se are blocked by the phishing filter

Multiple domains related to amazon.se are blocked by the phishing filter. That includes amazon.se but also d2w57hu2y3cqhr.cloudfront.net


Nested Profiles

It would be great if the profiles could be nested. I am using this for home use, but this would probably be a great feature for business as well.


Search Funcation to work across all 3 x Filters

Hello Support,


Support Google Payments from other locations

Since August 2023, it is not possible anymore to use Google Payments from a different country even with a local means of payment. It is mandatory to be physically in the given country for make it work. Everything processed outside will not be working.


new domain blocking

noticing .au domains that are >3 years old being blocked by the new domains list.