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Expose via DNS, A 'and' AAAA record instead A 'or' AAAA record

I love the expose via DNS feature, however the one thing that I wish that it would do is capture both IPv4 'and' IPv6 so that there's both an A and AAAA record. I use a dual-stack network and it seems that it only shows either the A or AAAA record when I do a query, and never both at the same time. (or at least set it so it prefers IPv4 if available)


Ability to Redirect a set of URL under a device

Currently we can individually redirect an url to a specific location, however it will be nice to just set a tag or perhaps profile that would sort of that adds the ability to redirect all urls under it.


Expired Rules - auto removal



More Servers in Australia

I am currently trying ControlD and getting high latency around 150-170ms. I really loved all features but because of high latency i am bit concerned and doesn’t want to switch over.
Is there any plans to implement more servers in Australia?


A universal Blocklist? Domain rules for all DNS proflles

Is it possible to set domain rules across all DNS profiles, I find it tedious that I have to go into each DNS profile and implement a block rule.


Blocklist for all Online Gaming

Is there a blocklist that can be added to block all Online Gaming websites?. The Gaming under services has only options to block 26 of the gaming services. I would like to block all Gaming websites.


Change icon of an endpoint

With the new UI being able to sort by device type, you should be able to change the icon/device type of an endpoint easily. It's annoying having to delete the endpoint and then recreate it just to change the icon.

Please update the CLI so that it listens for DoH requests

This is currently possible with DNSCrypt-Proxy, but is slightly more annoying to set up than the Control D CLI.


Block sites or apps for certien periods

Can I set times when for example, social media is blocked and times when it is unblocked?


Mobile app!

Need a mobile app!