

  • Implemented automated billing for Organization users
  • Added company type dropdown to Organization onboard page
  • Added a new router type for Windows Server
  • Fixed a few issues related to 2FA and SEO improvements


  • Added Traffic Insights to Analytics with a list of top Sources, Destinations and Network Destinations of DNS queries.
  • Added a new privacy page for android users.
  • Added new fields for customizing the title and the external link title for the branded block page.
  • Fixed a few minor bugs and improved UX.


  • Added QR Code generation for easier setup on mobile devices
  • Added Prevent Deactivation option to device provisioning for organizational users
  • Improved website accessibility
  • Fixed bug which hampered copy-pasting domains and SSIDs while creating mobile config
  • Fixed a few minor bugs and improved UX


  • Apple Mobile Config Generator: Added additional options to optionally bake in a Control D Root CA (for custom block pages) and prevent disablement on Supervised Apple devices (Org accounts only)
  • Main website: New common header for personal and organizational user public pages
  • Miscellaneous UX improvements and bug fixes
  • Custom/branded block pages


  • Added preconfigured Profile templates which cater to specific use cases and can be used when creating a new Profile
  • Fixed issues with mobile config generation
  • Implemented the ability to add rules to Shared Profiles from Activity Log while impersonating a Sub Organization
  • Redesigned Sub Organizations listing
  • Added Organization name to the Device modal
  • Updated the Chrome setup tutorial
  • Performance and other UX improvements


  • Implemented the ability to set a password to prevent Control D being deactivated on a device
  • Redesigned Free DNS page
  • Added configuration steps for OPNSense and Other routers
  • Fixed bugs related to comments and loading custom rules
  • Miscellaneous UX and performance improvements


  • Added 6 new Service categories along with 500+ new Services, for a total of 850.
  • Added support for Unicode characters in domain names used in Custom Rules
  • Redesigned Network, Contact, Status, Terms and Privacy pages
  • Fixed incorrect rebill date being shown when switching plans
  • Improved error messages in various scopes (ie. duplicate custom rules)
  • Blocked Query Response now supports custom (skinned) block pages if Root Certificate Installation is performed.
  • Organizational users: device limits in sub-organizations are now optional.
  • Organizational users: improved performance if you have many sub-organizations


  • Filtering for failed queries in Activity Log
  • Scrolling improvements on mobile
  • Bug fixes and UX improvements
  • State management updates and performance improvements


  • Redesigned login, forgot password and reset password pages
  • Updated footer with our social media contacts
  • Added a new Request a Demo page for our commercial users
  • Improved Custom Rules search for ease of searching and changing rules
  • Added a new button for DNS Profile generator in the setup guide for Mac and iOS devices
  • Improved performance of our new homepage
  • Improved UX across the website by fixing multiple minor issues


Major Update: Control D for Organizations