almost 2 years ago by Catt Garrod
Routine bug fixes and some user-requested feature additions.
- Fixes a bug where you could enable Analytics without specifying a storage region
- Most Active section domains are now clickable, bringing up a tray showing you which domains exactly were affected by this Filter, Redirect Location or Service
- Service tray further splits this so you can see how many of each verdict was made on each domain, so for example you might see wikipedia.com redirected 4 times and blocked 7 times (if you changed the Wikipedia service from redirect->block during the time frame you are viewing)
- Devices that are linked to 2 profiles are now displayed under both of the profiles to which they’re linked
- Errors handled when user tries to add too many rules at once
- Underscores in profile names are now allowed
- Fixed a bug where closing certain overlays would navigate to the previously navigated-to page, which caused errors when directly linking to the overlay and could potentially cause users to close an overlay and end up returning to the last site they visited
- Fixed a UI issue where Help menu and Get Started button were too far apart on Login page
- Added a sitemap
- Added ‘Credit Balance’ which shows users who have a ‘credit’ (such as when downgrading their product) the exact amount of said credit
- Fixed dot-to-elongated-line transition on the Configure screen